Essential Soft Skills Courseware: eBadges and Certificates


eBadges are earned as the learner advances through the WIN Career Readiness System courses. They indicate instructional progress, not instructional mastery or completion. The eBadges will be automatically displayed on the learner dashboard when earned. They are an icon, not a document; therefore, eBadges are not designed to be downloaded or printed.

There are 4 potential eBadges in the Soft Skills course, one for each module:  Communicating Effectively, Conveying Professionalism, Promoting Teamwork and Collaboration, and Thinking Critically and Solving Problems.

Essential Soft Skills Courseware


Certificates indicate completion of instructional content, not just instructional progress like the eBadges. These certificates can be downloaded and printed, saved and emailed.  As certificates are earned, the certificate icon will display a printer symbol on the learner dashboard.  By clicking on the printer symbol, the certificates can be downloaded for printing, saving, or emailing. 

When a learner completes all learning modules and scores 80% or higher on the posttest for each module, a certificate is earned. 

There is 1 potential certificate for the Essential Soft Skills Courseware.       
